This theme comes with the Qantumthemes Videolove plugin, to create beautiful video galleries with filters, and is totally customizable in colors, columns and more! Check out the amazing videolove gallery here… and to create it, you just need the „videolove“ shortcode!
- 2nd Album
- Album
- Android Lover
- Berlin
- Circus Of Fools
- Coming Soon
- Dansemacabre
- Dark Rock
- DarkRock
- Denmark
- Electro-Rock
- Female Fronted
- Gothic
- Industrial
- Live-Feed
- Marilyn Manson
- Metal
- News
- Pop
- Pre-Release
- Radio DarkFire
- Rock
- Roterfeld
- Steampunk
- Synth-Rock
- Synthpop
- Vadot
- Video
- video-stories
- videos
GothicMarilyn Mansonvideo-stories
Female FrontedIndustrialSynthpopvideo-stories
Dark RockRoterfeld
Dark RockGothicLord Of The Lost
Circus Of FoolsComing SoonGothicMetalNeues AlbumPre-ReleaseRexRezension kommtRotwelsch-Music
Live-FeedNewsRadio DarkFirevideo-stories
Circus Of FoolsMetalRockSteampunk
Dark RockÖsterreichRoterfeldvideo-stories
AlbumBandBerlinFemale FrontedGordeon Music PromotionPre-ReleasePunkRock und MetalSchnelle NummernShirley HolmesVideovideo-storiesvideos
2nd AlbumAndroid LoverClash Clash Bang BangVideovideosWe Come In Peace
BerlinGothicMUrmelnewOut Of LineSolar FakeVideovideos
AvantasiaNuclear BlastVideovideos
DenmarkFemale FrontedForever StillMetalVideovideos
BerlinCosma NovaKingKongPicturesMusikPopvideos